I'M NOT YOUR GURU. That’s the title of a Netflix’s documentary film. It is about Tony Robbins, the famous controversial personal growth speaker and writer. That film is really interesting not only because Mr. Robbins is extremely good as a motivator but because it shows the struggles that people face during their lives and how, more than less times, your own struggles languish when compared to theirs.
When I recently watched this film, I was struck by how many people keep going with their lives in situations that make me feel fortunate, but also wonder the source of their incredible strength to overcome their precarious situations and bounce back. That's when a word came to my mind then: RESILIENCE
Resilience is frequently linked to qualities of durability and long-lasting attributes, often applied to things beyond human being. But from an individual perspective, Reslience can be defined as the ability to bounce back from adversity, is a critical trait that empowers individuals to navigate life's challenges with grace and strength.
Understanding one's own level of resilience is key to fostering personal growth and overcoming obstacles effectively. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of individual resilience and provide a comprehensive self-assessment guide to help you gauge and enhance your resilience quotient.
The Significance of Individual Resilience:
Today, resilience is more valuable than ever. It equips you with the mental and emotional strenght to endure setbacks, adapt to change, and thrive in adversity. Research has shown that resilient individuals are better equipped to manage stress, maintain positive relationships, and achieve their goals despite facing obstacles.
If there is a way to measure you resilience, it should involve an assessment. So here I collected 10 questions from other questionnaires that measure the factors that make up resilience.
10 Questions for Resilience Self-Assessment:
How do you react to setbacks or failures?
Do you tend to dwell on problems, or do you focus on finding solutions?
How do you cope with stress and adversity?
Are you able to maintain a positive outlook even in challenging situations?
Do you have a strong support network of friends, family, or mentors?
Are you able to adapt to change and embrace new opportunities?
How do you prioritize self-care and well-being in your daily life?
Are you able to set realistic goals and take consistent action towards achieving them?.
Do you practice mindfulness or other techniques to cultivate resilience?
How do you celebrate your successes and acknowledge your progress?
Using the Resilience Self-Assessment:
To utilize this resilience self-assessment guide effectively, take some time to reflect on each question honestly. Consider jotting down your responses or discussing them with a trusted friend or mentor for additional insights. Remember that resilience is not about being immune to challenges but rather about how you respond to them. Use this assessment as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth.
Lets add a score system to the resilient self assessment
To create a score metric for the resilience self-assessment questions, we can assign a numerical value to each response option, typically on a scale from 1 to 5. Here's a suggested scoring system for the questions:
How do you react to setbacks or failures?
1: React negatively, feeling defeated or hopeless
2: Feel discouraged but quickly recover and seek solutions
3: Acknowledge setbacks and failures as learning opportunities
4: Remain resilient and optimistic, viewing setbacks as temporary
5: Embrace setbacks as challenges, motivated to overcome them
Do you tend to dwell on problems, or do you focus on finding solutions?
1: Frequently dwell on problems without seeking solutions
2: Sometimes dwell on problems but make efforts to find solutions
3: Balance between acknowledging problems and seeking solutions
4: Proactively focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems
5: Always focus on finding solutions, rarely dwelling on problems
How do you cope with stress and adversity?
1: Struggle to cope with stress and adversity, feeling overwhelmed
2: Employ some coping mechanisms but still experience significant stress
3: Effectively cope with moderate levels of stress and adversity
4: Utilize various coping strategies to manage stress and adversity effectively
5: Excel at coping with stress and adversity, rarely feeling overwhelmed
Are you able to maintain a positive outlook even in challenging situations?
1: Often have a negative outlook, struggling to find positivity
2: Sometimes maintain a positive outlook, depending on the situation
3: Generally maintain a positive outlook but may falter in challenging situations
4: Consistently maintain a positive outlook even in challenging situations
5: Always maintain a positive outlook, seeing opportunities in every challenge
Do you have a strong support network of friends, family, or mentors?
1: Lack a strong support network, feeling isolated
2: Have some support but desire a stronger network
3: Possess a moderate support network, providing occasional assistance
4: Enjoy a strong support network, offering consistent guidance and encouragement
5: Have an extensive support network, readily available in times of need
Are you able to adapt to change and embrace new opportunities?
1: Struggle to adapt to change, feeling resistant and anxious
2: Find change challenging but eventually adapt with effort
3: Adapt reasonably well to change, embracing new opportunities cautiously
4: Adapt easily to change, seeing it as an opportunity for growth
5: Thrive on change, eagerly embracing new opportunities and challenges
How do you prioritize self-care and well-being in your daily life?
1: Neglect self-care and well-being, prioritizing other responsibilities
2: Occasionally prioritize self-care but often overlook it
3: Balance self-care with other responsibilities, making efforts to prioritize well-being
4: Prioritize self-care and well-being regularly, recognizing their importance
5: Consistently prioritize self-care and well-being, making them a top priority
Are you able to set realistic goals and take consistent action towards achieving them?
1: Struggle to set realistic goals and take consistent action
2: Set goals but struggle to follow through consistently
3: Set mostly realistic goals and take some action towards achieving them
4: Set realistic goals and consistently take action towards achieving them
5: Set ambitious yet achievable goals and consistently take proactive action
Do you practice mindfulness or other techniques to cultivate resilience?
1: Rarely practice mindfulness or resilience-building techniques
2: Occasionally practice mindfulness or resilience-building techniques
3: Regularly practice mindfulness or resilience-building techniques
4: Consistently practice mindfulness or resilience-building techniques
5: Integrate mindfulness or resilience-building techniques into daily life effectively
How do you celebrate your successes and acknowledge your progress?
1: Rarely celebrate successes or acknowledge progress
2: Occasionally recognize successes and progress
3: Often celebrate successes and acknowledge progress
4: Consistently celebrate successes and acknowledge progress
5: Routinely celebrate successes and fully acknowledge progress with gratitude
Scoring Interpretation:
Once you've responded to each question and assigned a numerical value based on the provided scale, sum up the scores and multiply by 2 to obtain a total resilience score. A total score above 70 indicates a good start, while a lower score suggests areas for improvement. Use the score to gain insights into your resilience strengths and weaknesses, and consider developing action plans to enhance your resilience in areas where it is needed. Remember that resilience is a skill that can be developed and strengthened with practice and self-awareness.
Enhancing Your Resilience:
Once you've completed the self-assessment, identify areas where you'd like to strengthen your resilience. This could involve developing new coping strategies, building a stronger support network, or cultivating a more optimistic mindset. Here are some tips for enhancing your resilience:
Practice self-care: Prioritize activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, such as exercise, meditation, and hobbies.
Cultivate optimism: Focus on the positive aspects of your life and practice gratitude regularly.
Build relationships: Invest in meaningful connections with friends, family, and colleagues who provide support and encouragement.
Develop problem-solving skills: Learn to approach challenges with a solutions-oriented mindset, breaking them down into manageable steps.
Embrace change: Instead of resisting change, view it as an opportunity for growth and adaptation.
Seek help when needed: Don't hesitate to reach out for support from a therapist, counselor, or support group if you're struggling to cope with stress or adversity.
A resilience framework from research - a good story to be told
While he hesitates to label himself as a technologist, Steve Howe boasts an extensive career spanning over four decades in the IT services industry, with roughly twenty-five years spent in senior leadership roles. Furthermore, several years ago, he undertook the endeavor of creating a sophisticated digital assessment using a web AI powered platform.
So, over a three year period Steve deeply researched the topic of resilience: What makes a person resilient? What are the key characteristics? And how do you build resilience? Soon enough, he started to recognize – and this was even pre-pandemic, by the way – that the research he had been doing needed to be turned to good use. And so it became the basis for developing a model.
So, he and his team did some extensive research—immersing themselves in academic papers, journals, and research papers. Soon enough, they noticed patterns emerging, groupings that allowed them to construct a powerful yet easy-to-understand model.
They identified five key areas or categories:
Mental strength: the ability to adapt to change, maintain a positive outlook, and cope with adversity.
Purpose: having a clear goal or "north star" to strive towards.
Physical stamina: maintaining a healthy body and mind through regular exercise, work-life balance, relaxation, and quality sleep.
Emotional intelligence: being self-aware, managing emotions effectively, and being comfortable seeking help or feedback and navigating conflicts.
A strong support network: having relationships with people who can provide support and guidance during challenging times, including professional relationships with mentors or coaches.
Discover our sophisticated self assessment resilient tool
Inspired by Steve Howe's framework, we've dedicated tens of hours to research and development to create a comprehensive tool that assesses team and individual resilience in the five key areas mentioned above.
For a self assessment to be effective for individuals and teams, it has to show a progression in the resilience metrics over time. With that in mind, we have developed an assessment tool that makes it really easy to see your score in a beautiful PDF report, and progression charts that show your evolution in the 5 key areas of resilience.
The report also includes insights and recommendations based on the scoring results, which makes it easier to build a plan in order to cope with the weakest resilience areas.
How the get access to the resilience self assessment tool
To get access to the our sophisticated resilient self assessment tool, just bocome a member of our comunity by clicking HERE. Fill the form and we will send a link to your inbox. You just have to follow the instructions and thats it!.
For team resilience asessments, contact us by booking a free consultation.
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